=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Building for breeze-icons-6.8.0 [ 4%] Generating 24px icons [ 8%] Creating icon symlinks for app aliases [ 8%] Built target generate-symbolic-dark_autogen_timestamp_deps [ 8%] Built target scalable_autogen_timestamp_deps [ 8%] Built target qrcAlias_autogen_timestamp_deps [ 12%] Automatic MOC for target generate-symbolic-dark [ 16%] Automatic MOC for target qrcAlias [ 20%] Automatic MOC for target scalable Symlinking application icons to their Flatpak IDs: {'CMakeSetup': {}, 'QOwnNotes': {}, 'QtProject-designer': {}, 'TeamViewer-symbolic': {}, 'VBox': {}, 'accessories-calculator': {}, 'accessories-character-map': {}, 'accessories-screenshot-tool': {}, 'accessories-text-editor': {}, 'acroread': {}, 'akonadi-symbolic': {}, 'akregator': {'org.kde.akregator': [48]}, 'akregator-symbolic': {}, 'alienarena': {}, 'alligator': {'org.kde.alligator': [48]}, 'amarok': {'org.kde.amarok': [48]}, 'amarok-symbolic': {}, 'android-file-transfer': {}, 'android-studio': {}, 'anjuta': {}, 'anydesk': {'com.anydesk.Anydesk': [16, 22, 32, 48]}, 'apper': {}, 'application-x-clementine': {}, 'aptana': {}, 'ardour': {'org.ardour.Ardour': [48]}, 'ark': {'org.kde.ark': [48]}, 'artikulate': {'org.kde.artikulate': [48]}, 'assistant': {}, 'atom': {'io.atom.Atom': [48]}, 'audacity': {'org.audacityteam.Audacity': [48]}, 'author': {}, 'babe': {}, 'baloo': {}, 'bitcoin128': {}, 'bittorrent-sync': {}, 'bleachbit': {}, 'blender': {'org.blender.Blender': [48]}, 'blinken': {'org.kde.blinken': [48]}, 'blogilo': {}, 'bluefish': {'nl.openoffice.bluefish': [48]}, 'bluegriffon': {}, 'bomber': {'org.kde.bomber': [48]}, 'bomi': {}, 'bovo': {'org.kde.bovo': [48]}, 'brackets': {'io.brackets.Brackets': [48]}, 'braindump': {}, 'breeze-settings': {}, 'btsync-gui': {}, 'buho': {}, 'calamares': {}, 'calibre-ebook-edit': {}, 'calibre-viewer': {}, 'calindori': {}, 'calligraauthor': {}, 'calligraflow': {}, 'calligrakarbon': {}, 'calligrakexi': {}, 'calligraplan': {}, 'calligraplanwork': {}, 'calligrasheets': {}, 'calligrastage': {}, 'calligrawords': {}, 'cantata': {}, 'cantata-symbolic': {}, 'cantor': {'org.kde.cantor': [48]}, 'cervisia': {}, 'choqok': {}, 'claws-mail': {'org.claws_mail.Claws-Mail': [48]}, 'clementine': {}, 'cmake': {}, 'codeblocks': {}, 'com.visualstudio.code': {}, 'com.visualstudio.code.oss': {}, 'converseen': {'net.fasterland.converseen': [48]}, 'crow-translate': {'org.kde.CrowTranslate.svg': [48]}, 'cuttlefish': {}, 'darktable': {'org.darktable.Darktable': [48]}, 'dev.suyu_emu.suyu': {}, 'diaspora': {}, 'diffuse': {'io.github.mightycreak.Diffuse': [48]}, 'digikam': {'org.kde.digikam': [48]}, 'dragonplayer': {}, 'elisa': {'org.kde.elisa': [22, 48]}, 'elisa-symbolic': {}, 'emacs': {}, 'falkon': {'org.kde.falkon': [48]}, 'ffmulticonverter': {}, 'filelight': {}, 'filezilla': {'org.filezillaproject.Filezilla': [48]}, 'fingerprint-gui': {}, 'firewall-config': {}, 'flow': {}, 'fluid': {}, 'fontforge': {'org.fontforge.FontForge': [48]}, 'freemind': {}, 'frostwire': {}, 'gcompris-qt': {}, 'gimp': {'org.gimp.GIMP': [48]}, 'git-cola': {'com.github.git_cola.git-cola': [48]}, 'git-gui': {}, 'goodvibes': {'io.gitlab.Goodvibes': [48]}, 'gpick': {}, 'gpodder': {'org.gpodder.gpodder': [48]}, 'granatier': {'org.kde.granatier': [48]}, 'graphics-viewer-document': {}, 'graphics-viewer-document-symbolic': {}, 'grub-customizer': {}, 'gtkhash': {'org.gtkhash.gtkhash': [48]}, 'gwenview': {'org.kde.gwenview': [48]}, 'haguichi': {'com.github.ztefn.haguichi': [48]}, 'handbrake': {'fr.handbrake.ghb': [48]}, 'help-browser': {}, 'homebank': {'fr.free.Homebank': [48]}, 'homerun': {}, 'hotspot': {}, 'hotspot-symbolic': {}, 'htop': {}, 'hwinfo': {}, 'im.vector': {}, 'imagewriter': {}, 'inkscape': {'org.inkscape.Inkscape': [48]}, 'inkscape-logo': {}, 'internet-mail': {}, 'internet-mail-symbolic': {}, 'internet-telephony': {}, 'internet-web-browser': {}, 'internet-web-browser-symbolic': {}, 'jdownloader': {'org.jdownloader.JDownloader': [48]}, 'joplin': {'net.cozic.joplin_desktop': [48]}, 'juk': {'org.kde.juk': [48]}, 'juliabackend': {}, 'k3b': {}, 'kaddressbook': {}, 'kaffeine': {}, 'kajongg': {}, 'kalarm': {}, 'kalarm-symbolic': {}, 'kalgebra': {'org.kde.kalgebra': [48]}, 'kalgebrabackend': {}, 'kalzium': {'org.kde.kalzium': [48]}, 'kamoso': {'org.kde.kamoso': [48]}, 'kanagram': {'org.kde.kanagram': [48]}, 'kapman': {'org.kde.kapman': [48]}, 'kapptemplate': {}, 'karbon': {}, 'kate': {}, 'kate-symbolic': {}, 'katomic': {'org.kde.katomic': [48]}, 'kblackbox': {'org.kde.kblackbox': [48]}, 'kblocks': {'org.kde.kblocks': [48]}, 'kblogger': {}, 'kbreakout': {'org.kde.kbreakout': [48]}, 'kbruch': {'org.kde.kbruch': [48]}, 'kcachegrind': {'org.kde.kcachegrind': [48]}, 'kcalc': {}, 'kchart': {}, 'kcolorchooser': {'org.kde.kcolorchooser': [48]}, 'kde': {}, 'kde-frameworks': {}, 'kde-im-log-viewer': {}, 'kde-symbolic': {}, 'kdeapp': {}, 'kdeconnect-symbolic': {}, 'kdenlive': {'org.kde.kdenlive': [48]}, 'kdesrc-build': {}, 'kdesvn': {}, 'kdevelop': {'org.kde.kdevelop': [48]}, 'kdiamond': {'org.kde.kdiamond': [48]}, 'kdiff3': {'org.kde.kdiff3': [48]}, 'kdots': {}, 'keepass': {}, 'keepass2': {}, 'keepassx': {}, 'keepassx2': {}, 'kexi': {}, 'kfind': {'org.kde.kfind': [48]}, 'kfloppy': {}, 'kfontview': {}, 'kfourinline': {'org.kde.kfourinline': [48]}, 'kgeography': {'org.kde.kgeography': [48]}, 'kget': {'org.kde.kget': [48]}, 'kget-symbolic': {}, 'kgpg-symbolic': {}, 'khangman': {'org.kde.khangman': [48]}, 'kig': {'org.kde.kig': [48]}, 'kile': {'org.kde.kile': [48]}, 'kimagemapeditor': {}, 'kipi-dngconverter': {}, 'kipi-expoblending': {}, 'kipi-panorama': {}, 'kirigami-gallery': {}, 'kiriki': {'org.kde.kiriki': [48]}, 'kirogi': {}, 'kiten': {'org.kde.kiten': [48]}, 'kjumpingcube': {'org.kde.kjumpingcube': [48]}, 'kleopatra': {}, 'kleopatra-symbolic': {}, 'klines': {}, 'klipper': {}, 'klipper-symbolic': {}, 'kmag': {}, 'kmahjongg': {}, 'kmail': {}, 'kmail-symbolic': {}, 'kmenuedit': {}, 'kmix': {}, 'kmousetool': {}, 'kmouth': {}, 'kmplayer': {}, 'kmplot': {'org.kde.kmplot': [48]}, 'kmymoney': {}, 'knetattach': {}, 'knights': {'org.kde.knights': [48]}, 'knotes': {}, 'knotes-symbolic': {}, 'kolf': {'org.kde.kolf': [48]}, 'kolourpaint': {'org.kde.kolourpaint': [48]}, 'kompare': {}, 'konqueror': {}, 'kontact': {'org.kde.kontact': [48]}, 'konversation': {'org.kde.konversation': [16, 48]}, 'konversation-symbolic': {}, 'kopete': {'org.kde.kopete': [48]}, 'kopete-symbolic': {}, 'korg-todo': {}, 'korg-todo-symbolic': {}, 'korgac': {}, 'korgac-symbolic': {}, 'korganizer': {}, 'kpat': {}, 'kphotoalbum': {'org.kde.kphotoalbum': [48]}, 'kplato': {}, 'kpresenter': {}, 'krdc': {'org.kde.krdc': [48]}, 'krename': {'org.kde.krename': [48]}, 'krfb': {}, 'kronometer': {'org.kde.kronometer': [48]}, 'kruler': {'org.kde.kruler': [48]}, 'kruler-symbolic': {}, 'krusader_root': {}, 'krusader_user': {}, 'kshisen': {}, 'ksirk': {'org.kde.ksirk': [48]}, 'ksnapshot': {}, 'kspread': {}, 'kstars': {'org.kde.kstars': [48]}, 'ksysguardd': {}, 'kteatime': {'org.kde.kteatime': [48]}, 'kteatime-symbolic': {}, 'ktimer': {}, 'ktimetracker': {'org.kde.ktimetracker': [22, 32, 48]}, 'ktip': {}, 'ktnef': {}, 'ktorrent': {'org.kde.ktorrent': [48]}, 'ktorrent-symbolic': {}, 'ktouch': {'org.kde.ktouch': [48]}, 'ktrip': {'org.kde.ktrip': [48]}, 'kube-mail': {}, 'kuiviewer': {'org.kde.kuiviewer': [48]}, 'kup': {}, 'kup-symbolic': {}, 'kuser': {}, 'kwalletmanager': {'org.kde.kwalletmanager5': [48]}, 'kwalletmanager2': {}, 'kwave': {}, 'kwin': {}, 'kword': {}, 'kwrite': {'org.kde.kwrite': [16, 22, 32, 48, 64]}, 'kxstitch': {'org.kde.kxstitch': [48]}, 'labplot': {'org.kde.labplot2': [48]}, 'labplot2': {}, 'lastpass': {}, 'latte-dock': {}, 'leocad': {'org.leocad.LeoCAD': [48]}, 'libreoffice-base': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.base': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-calc': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.calc': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-draw': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.draw': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-impress': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.impress': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-main': {}, 'libreoffice-math': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.math': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-startcenter': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.startcenter': [16, 48]}, 'libreoffice-writer': {'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.writer': [16, 48]}, 'linguist': {}, 'logisim': {}, 'lokalize': {'org.kde.lokalize': [48]}, 'luabackend': {}, 'mail-client': {}, 'massif-visualizer': {'org.kde.massif-visualizer': [48]}, 'masterpdfeditor': {'net.codeindustry.MasterPDFEditor': [48]}, 'mathematica': {}, 'matlab': {}, 'maximabackend': {}, 'mendeleydesktop': {'com.elsevier.MendeleyDesktop': [48]}, 'minitube': {'org.tordini.flavio.Minitube': [48]}, 'minuet': {'org.kde.minuet': [48]}, 'mixxx': {}, 'mpv': {'io.mpv.Mpv': [48]}, 'multimedia-volume-control': {}, 'muon': {}, 'muondiscover': {}, 'network-manager': {}, 'nota': {'org.kde.nota': [48]}, 'ntfs-config': {}, 'nylas': {}, 'octave': {}, 'octavebackend': {}, 'octopi': {}, 'office-address-book': {}, 'office-calendar': {}, 'okteta': {'org.kde.okteta': [48]}, 'okular': {'org.kde.okular': [48]}, 'openbravo-erp': {}, 'org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller': {}, 'org.gajim.Gajim': {}, 'org.kde.Ikona': {}, 'org.kde.kongress': {}, 'org.kde.kontrast': {}, 'org.kde.neochat': {}, 'org.suyu_emu.suyu': {}, 'org.xfce.screenshooter': {}, 'parley': {}, 'partitionmanager': {}, 'phonon-gstreamer': {}, 'photolayoutseditor': {}, 'picmi': {'org.kde.picmi': [48]}, 'plan': {}, 'planetkde': {}, 'plank': {}, 'planner': {}, 'planwork': {}, 'plasma-browser-integration': {}, 'plasma-browser-integration-symbolic': {}, 'plasma-media-center': {}, 'plasma-mobile-phone': {}, 'plasma-nano': {}, 'plasma-symbolic': {}, 'plasmadiscover': {}, 'plasmavault': {}, 'plasmavault-symbolic': {}, 'preferences-desktop-font-installer': {}, 'preferences-other-symbolic': {}, 'preferences-plugin-symbolic': {}, 'preferences-system': {}, 'preferences-system-bluetooth-symbolic': {}, 'puremaps': {}, 'pythonbackend': {}, 'q4wine': {'ua.org.brezblock.q4wine': [48]}, 'qalculate': {}, 'qbittorrent': {'org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent': [48]}, 'qdbusviewer': {}, 'qelectrotech': {'org.qelectrotech.QElectroTech': [48]}, 'qtcreator': {}, 'quassel': {}, 'quassel-symbolic': {}, 'quiterss': {}, 'qupzilla': {}, 'r': {}, 'rbackend': {}, 'rekonq': {}, 'ring': {}, 'ring-kde': {}, 'rocs': {}, 'rosegarden': {'com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden': [48]}, 'sage-notebook': {}, 'sagebackend': {}, 'scanner': {}, 'scribus': {'net.scribus.Scribus': [48]}, 'sharedlib': {}, 'sheets': {}, 'showfoto': {}, 'skanlite': {'org.kde.skanlite': [48]}, 'skanpage': {}, 'skladnik': {}, 'skrooge': {'org.kde.skrooge': [48]}, 'skrooge-black': {}, 'skrooge-initial': {}, 'smartgit': {'com.syntevo.SmartGit': [48]}, 'smb4k': {}, 'smplayer': {'info.smplayer.SMPlayer': [48]}, 'smtube': {}, 'spectacle': {}, 'stage': {}, 'steam': {'com.valvesoftware.Steam': [48]}, 'step': {}, 'sublime-merge': {'com.sublimemerge.App': [48]}, 'sublime-text': {'com.sublimetext.Three': [48]}, 'subtitlecomposer': {}, 'sweeper': {}, 'symboleditor': {}, 'synaptic': {}, 'syncthing': {}, 'synfig_icon': {}, 'system-file-manager': {}, 'system-file-manager-symbolic': {}, 'system-help': {}, 'system-run': {}, 'system-software-install': {}, 'system-software-update': {}, 'systemsettings': {}, 'teamviewer': {}, 'telegram': {'org.telegram.desktop': [48]}, 'telepathy-kde': {}, 'texstudio': {'org.texstudio.TeXstudio': [48]}, 'truecrypt': {}, 'ubiquity': {}, 'ubiquity-kde': {}, 'umbrello': {'org.kde.umbrello': [16, 22, 32, 48, 64]}, 'unetbootin': {}, 'usb-creator-kde': {}, 'utilities-energy-monitor': {}, 'utilities-file-archiver': {}, 'utilities-log-viewer': {}, 'utilities-system-monitor': {}, 'utilities-terminal': {}, 'utilities-terminal-symbolic': {}, 'veracrypt': {}, 'viber': {'com.viber.Viber': [48]}, 'virt-manager': {}, 'virt-manager-symbolic': {}, 'virtualbox': {}, 'vlc': {'org.videolan.VLC': [48]}, 'vlc-symbolic': {}, 'vokoscreen': {}, 'vvave': {'org.kde.vvave': [16, 48]}, 'wayland': {}, 'wine': {'org.winehq.Wine': [48]}, 'words': {}, 'xchat': {}, 'xine': {}, 'xmind': {}, 'xorg': {}, 'xterm': {}, 'xterm-color': {}, 'yakuake': {}, 'yakuake-symbolic': {}, 'yandex-browser': {}, 'yast': {}, 'yast-control-center': {}, 'yast-installation': {}, 'yast-sw_single': {}, 'yast-upgrade': {}, 'zanshin': {}} [ 20%] Built target create-app-symlinks [ 20%] Built target qrcAlias_autogen [ 20%] Built target generate-symbolic-dark_autogen [ 25%] Building CXX object src/tools/CMakeFiles/qrcAlias.dir/qrcAlias_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o [ 29%] Building CXX object src/tools/CMakeFiles/generate-symbolic-dark.dir/generate-symbolic-dark_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o [ 33%] Building CXX object src/tools/CMakeFiles/generate-symbolic-dark.dir/generate-symbolic-dark.cpp.o [ 37%] Building CXX object src/tools/CMakeFiles/qrcAlias.dir/qrcAlias.cpp.o [ 37%] Built target scalable_autogen [ 41%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/scalable.dir/scalable_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o [ 45%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/scalable.dir/scalabletest.cpp.o [ 50%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/generate-symbolic-dark [ 54%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/qrcAlias /usr/bin/ld: warning: libstdc++.so.9, needed by /usr/pkg/lib/libicui18n.so.76, may conflict with libstdc++.so.7 /usr/bin/ld: warning: libstdc++.so.9, needed by /usr/pkg/lib/libicui18n.so.76, may conflict with libstdc++.so.7 [ 58%] Built target generate-symbolic-dark [ 62%] Built target qrcAlias [ 66%] Generating symbolic dark icons Detected locale "C" with character encoding "646", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. mations/22/process-working.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 22 330" 22/elisa.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208 5.8208" 22/hotspot-symbolic.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.821 5.821" motes/22/drink-beer.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/drink-martini.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-angel.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-angry.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-clown.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-confused.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-cool.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-crying.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-devilish.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-embarrassed.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-glasses.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-hug-left.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-hug-right.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-in-love.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-kiss.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-laughing.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-ninja.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-pirate.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-plain.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-quiet.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-raspberry.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-sad.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-sick.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-sleeping.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-smile-big.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-smile-grin.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-smile.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-smirk.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-surprise.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-uncertain.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-wink.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-worried.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/face-yawn.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" motes/22/food-cake.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" mimetypes/22/application-x-root.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335" ferences/22/preferences-system-network-ethernet.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.8210625 5.8210625" [ 66%] Built target breeze-generate-24px-versions [ 70%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/scalable /usr/bin/ld: warning: libstdc++.so.9, needed by /usr/pkg/lib/libicui18n.so.76, may conflict with libstdc++.so.7 [ 75%] Built target scalable [ 75%] Built target breeze-generate-symbolic-dark [ 79%] Generating 24px icons-dark mations/22/process-working.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 22 330" 22/hotspot-symbolic.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox viewBox="0 0 5.821 5.821" [ 79%] Built target breeze-generate-24px-versions-dark [ 83%] Generating breeze-icons.qrc Detected locale "C" with character encoding "646", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "646", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "646", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [ 87%] Generating qrc_breeze-icons.cpp Detected locale "C" with character encoding "646", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [ 91%] Building CXX object src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/qrc_breeze-icons.cpp.o [ 95%] Building CXX object src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/breezeicons.cpp.o virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory --- src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/qrc_breeze-icons.cpp.o --- *** [src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/qrc_breeze-icons.cpp.o] Error code 1 make[2]: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build 1 error make[2]: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build --- src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/all --- *** [src/lib/CMakeFiles/KF6BreezeIcons.dir/all] Error code 2 make[1]: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build 1 error make[1]: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build *** [all] Error code 2 make: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build 1 error make: stopped in /pbulk/work/graphics/breeze-icons/work/breeze-icons-6.8.0/_KDE_build *** Error code 2 Stop. make[1]: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/graphics/breeze-icons *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/graphics/breeze-icons